Moving pictures
Prague and Czech Republic were always popular with film crews. Hollywood movies shot in Prague include The Illusionist, Hellboy, Casino Royale, Brian De Palma’s blockbuster Mission: Impossible, and Amadeus, which won eight Oscars in 1985. Maybe it all started a century ago, when Thomas Edison, credited with playing a crucial role in the development of the cinema in the United States, visited the first movie house in Prague. Located at the corner of Karlova and Liliová streets in Old Town, the Dům U Modré štiky (House at the Blue Pike) was opened by Dismas Šlampor, also known as Viktor Ponrepo, in September 1907. Edison, visiting fellow electrotechnician and inventor Emil Kolben in 1911, reportedly liked what he saw and told the owner of the cinema, “It is small but very good. It’s what a movie house should look like.”
Go to a hipster cinema in my boudoir's neighborhood